Monday, July 19, 2010

Party Food

Having the right party food can really make a big difference at your next gathering. A lot of parties have a certain kind of traditional food that goes with them, but if you aren't afraid to mix it up, you can make the party even better. Who says you can not improve on tradition?

I am a pretty typical man's man in many ways, but I love to cook. Nonetheless, when I would have Super Bowl parties, poker parties, and that sort of event, I would use the typical party foods. I would have chips and dip, beer, and some sodas in case anyone wanted them. Everyone was always pretty happy with the food for parties, and no one ever complained.

Then one day, I decided to try something different. I figured that there were so many delicious and easy party foods that there was no sense in sticking with the same thing every single time. I made some hors d'oeuvres, a seven layer bean dip, and even a light meal of sandwiches. When I set up the sandwiches, people were ecstatic. Although they made fun of me for being such a cook, I can tell that they really liked what I had brought. People had even more fun than usual, and they all came back for the next party

when I was making food for Halloween party, I also decided to be a little bit adventures. Firstly I dressed up in an Evil Clown costume and then I had tried out this new recipe on my wife, and she absolutely loved it (after she got scared to death seeing me, he he he).

I know that there are some very traditional Christmas party food dishes, but I wanted to try a few other things. Instead of having ham, I decided to make game birds. I took some roasted pheasants, prepared bread putting, and all in all, went against normal holiday tradition. Although I was taking a risk, it turned out great. People loved the party food that I made. It is all about a design, design, design...

Of course, it is always nice to have a few classics. You should not, for example, have Christmas without eggnog. This is obvious to a lot of people, but some people forget the candy at Halloween parties. Candy might seem like an unnecessary party food, but it is part of the spirit of the holiday. Without it, Halloween feel somehow empty and hollow. Even cupcakes won't make up for it not being there. There are some traditions, after all, that you should never mess with.