Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Nose Bidet Helping Thousands Allergies Sufferers

Nose Bidet may be the answer for endless sufferers of sinuses and allergies. Nose bidet finds its way to the American medicine cabinets with this alternative medicine this winter. You may ask what is nose bidet is. As funny as it may sound, it is pot or nasal irrigation pot looking a bit like an Aladdin’s magic lamp and rumored to help with allergy symptoms. It is known also as Jala net pot. Nasal washing has been has been used for centuries but with the development of modern medicine has been nearly forgotten.

Newly nose bidet became popular again, mainly because of the appearance of Oprah’s favorite doctor, Mehmet Oz on her talk show. As Dr. Oz is becoming slowly becoming a household name with the segment: Ask Dr. Oz, Americans are excepting his endorsement of nose nasal irrigation with the help of the nose bidet on that show. Nose bidet suppose to irrigate or rather clear nasal passage way and helps treating inflammation of the sinuses and allergies.

It is good to know that nasal cleansing has been a part of folk medicine in many parts of the world and belongs to ancient Indian yogic tradition.

So, what to use with nose bidet? According to Dr. Oz, not just regular water as it can irritate your nostrils and certainly not cold water. The best in your nose bidet is warm water mixed with a quarter teaspoon of non-iodized salt.

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